¡Camareros AKA waiters! STOP waiting to learn Spanglish. KNOW these phrases if you work in a bar, hotel, or restaurant.

Today, tourists only care about a good experience, their first interaction wherever they travel, sets the tempo for the trip.

People often forget a holiday vacation, begins with a casual airport beer.

Una cerveza por favor
¡que vamos a España!

Their only worries when they arrive are:
what to do, see, and eat today?

To be, or not to be?
spend here, or to spend there?

A welcoming and confident waiter can transform a hesitant customer into a raving fanatic, boosting not just their own recommendations, but the restaurant's story and traditions they tasted from the plate of the day.

Here's where Icebreaker steps in. By empowering waiters with clear communication skills, we help them unlock hidden sales potential.

Imagine waiters who can confidently recommend dishes, wine, cocktails, navigate dietary restrictions, and create a genuine connection based on trust with each guest.

Suddenly, ordering becomes an adventure, not a dreadful chore, and customers are more likely to splurge on that extra tapa or delectable dessert.

IB Language Plan for Hospitality equips waiters to be the secret weapon of any bar, or restaurant, turning conversations into conversions and boosting sales one friendly interaction at a time.

Turn first-time customers into regulars.
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Mastering First Impressions

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Greetings (Saludos):

  • ¡Hola! ¿En qué puedo ayudarles hoy?

    • Hi! How can I help you today?

  • Hola / buenos días / buenas tardes / buenas noches

    • Hello / good morning / good afternoon / good evening

  • Por aquí, por favor

    • Right this way, please.

  1. Making a Reservation (Hacer una reserva):

    • Hacer una reserva

      • To make a reservation

    • Déjeme ver si tenemos una mesa disponible

      • Let me check if we have a table available

  2. Taking Orders (Tomar pedidos):

    • ¿Puedo ayudarle (señor/señora)?

      • (Can I help you (sir/mam)?

    • ¿Cómo puedo ayudarle?

      • How can I help you?)

    • ¿Ha decidido?

      • Have you decided?

      • Have you made up your mind yet?

    • ¿Le están atendiendo?

      • Are you being served?

      • Did someone already take your order?

    • ¿Les gustaría ver la carta?

      • Would you like to see the menu?

      • Would you like to check out the menu?

  3. Drinks (Bebidas):

    • ¿Qué les puedo traer de beber?

      • What can I bring you to drink?

    • ¿Qué le gustaría beber?

      • What would you like to drink?

      • What would you like to start with?

    • Agua con gas o sin gas?

      • Still or sparkling?

    • Una pinta de cerveza

      • A pint of beer

    • Media pinta

      • Half a pint

    • Carta de vinos

      • Wine list

    • Un vaso de vino blanco

      • a glass of white wine

    • vino tinto

      • red wine

    • rosado

      • rosé

    • vino de la casa

      • house wine

  4. Appetizers and Courses (Aperitivos y platos):

    • ¿Tal vez le gustaría tomar un aperitivo?

      • Maybe you would like to have an appetizer?

    • Entrantes

      • Starters

    • Plato principal

      • Main course

    • Postres

      • Desserts

  5. Placing an Order (Pedir):

    • ¿Desea pedir algo?

      • Do you wish to order (something)?

      • Are you ready to order()?

    • Estamos listos para pedir.

      • We are ready to order.

  6. Cooking Preferences (Preferencias de cocción):

    • Bien hecho

      • Well done

    • medio

      • medium

    • poco hecha

      • rare

  7. Different Types of Meals (Tipos de comidas):

    • Plato combinado

      • Main course

    • menú de tres platos

      • Three-course meal

    • Menú degustación

      • Tasting menu

    • Menú especial del chef

      • Chef's special

  8. Making Changes to an Order (Cambiar un plato):

    • ¿Podría tener x en lugar de x?

      • Could I have x instead of x?

  9. Checking if the Customer Needs Anything Else (Verificar si el cliente necesita algo más):

    • ¿Han terminado de comer? ¿Les puedo traer algo más?

      • Have you finished eating? Can I bring you anything else?

    • ¿Necesita algo más?

      • Do you need anything else?

  10. Asking for the Bill (Pedir la cuenta):

    • ¿Me trae la cuenta, por favor?

      • Can you bring me the bill, please?

    • ¿Me podría decir cuánto es?

      • Could you tell me how much it is?

      • Can you tell me how much it was?

    • ¿Me da la cuenta por favor?

      • Can you give me the check please?

      • Can we have the bill?

    • ¿Me puede traer la cuenta?

      • Can we get the bill, please?

  11. Payment (Pago):

    • Pagar en effective

      • To pay in cash

      • with cash

    • Pagar con tarjeta

      • To pay by card

    • ¿Acepta tarjetas de crédito?

      • Do you accept credit cards?

  12. Expressing Gratitude and Farewell (Agradecimiento y despedida):

    • ¡Que aproveche! Gracias por venir.

      • Enjoy your meal! Thank you for coming.

    • Gracias por venir

      • Thanks for coming

    • ¡Nos vemos pronto!

      • See you again soon!

Your waiters should be ambassadors for your restaurant. They should be the voice and message that speaks for the food your clients will be eating.

Download IB User Experience V1 E-Book for FREE
and watch satisfied guests become your biggest fans!

If you’re looking to improve your communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) contact IB for a personalized book for your business, team, or daily work.

customer service and sales course more revenue with icebreaker bartender making cocktails

From “Hola” -"Hello" to Sales Hero: 10+ Upselling Hacks for Stellar Service & a 5* Memorable Experience.


Have you tried Botifarras in Barcelona? Talk Like a Local, Eat Like a King!