Slang in Catalan, English, and Spanish
Remember that these slang expressions can vary in different regions and cultures, so it's a good idea to familiarize yourself with the specific slang that's commonly used in the target language you're learning.
Meaning: Extremely motivated or enthusiastic.
Example: "Estic molt motivat/ada per l'oportunitat de treballar en aquest projecte."
De baixó:
Meaning: Feeling down or low.
Example: "Vaig quedar de baixó quan vaig saber que el concert va ser cancel·lat."
Meaning: Feeling relaxed and calm.
Example: "Em quedaré a casa i estaré relaxat/ada aquesta nit."
Feliç com una parra:
Meaning: Extremely happy or content.
Example: "Va estar feliç com una parra quan va rebre la notícia."
Meaning: Feeling devastated or broken.
Example: "Em vaig sentir destrossat/ada quan vaig saber de la pèrdua."
Hyped Up:
Meaning: Extremely excited or enthusiastic.
Example: "I'm so hyped up about the concert tonight!"
Bummed Out:
Meaning: Feeling disappointed or unhappy.
Example: "I was really bummed out when I couldn't find my keys."
Meaning: Feeling relaxed and calm.
Example: "I'm just gonna stay home tonight and be chillaxed."
Tickled Pink:
Meaning: Extremely pleased or delighted.
Example: "She was tickled pink when she got that surprise gift."
Meaning: Feeling devastated or crushed.
Example: "I was absolutely gutted when my team lost the final game."
Meaning: Extremely motivated or enthusiastic.
Example: "Estoy muy motivado/a por la oportunidad de trabajar en este proyecto."
De bajón:
Meaning: Feeling down or low.
Example: "Me quedé de bajón cuando supe que el concierto fue cancelado."
Meaning: Feeling relaxed and calm.
Example: "Voy a quedarme en casa y estar relajado/a esta noche."
Feliz como una lombriz:
Meaning: Extremely happy or content.
Example: "Estaba feliz como una lombriz cuando me dieron la noticia."
Meaning: Feeling devastated or broken.
Example: "Me sentí destrozado/a cuando supe de la pérdida."